Newport First Baptist Church


"Each of you must make up your own mind about how much to give. But don’t feel sorry that you must give and don’t feel that you are forced to give. God loves people who love to give. God can bless you with everything you need, and you will always have more than enough to do all kinds of good things for others."
2 Corinthians 9:7-8
At Newport First Baptist we believe that God is the owner of everything and we are His stewards (or His money managers). The Bible tells us that everything we have is a gift from God (1 Chronicles 29:14). Giving obediently, as God leads, allows us an opportunity to give back a portion of what He so generously gives to us. Through giving, we show God our trust in Him as our Provider.
Why does God want you to excel in the grace of giving? He influences the world through His people. God gives to you so He can give through you. As we give, both faithfully and faith-fully, the world is changed for His glory.
The gospel is preached.
Broken lives are restored.
Hungry bellies are filled.
bodies are mended.
churches are built.
and we, in turn, are blessed by God
so we can give all over again.
Thank you for supporting what God is doing here at Newport First Baptist Church. Please be assured that your financial information will remain private and secure and that all funds given will be used with responsibility and accountability in support of the ministries here.
There are several ways to make your contribution:
By check or cash in the offering plates during our Sunday morning celebration
In person or by mail to the church office
Online through a secure giving platform by clicking the link below.
Text-to-Give - Text "Give (amount) to 509-203-1004
All non-cash contributions may be arranged through the office, 509-447-3846
Giving online is just one way to accomplish this integral part of our worship as Christ Followers. Just follow the link below to begin.
It's convenient: Using your computer, iPad, tablet or even your cell phone, whenever and wherever. You save the time and hassle of writing paper checks.
It’s flexible: You can make a one-time gift or create an account to set up recurring gifts on a schedule that works for you. You select the date(s), amount, and the account you wish to use. You can even designate your gift to go to the General Fund, Missions, or Investing in the Future.
It’s safe: Our system uses a powerful security tool. Fewer people see your sensitive information with online giving than with paper checks or mailed payments—making online giving the more secure choice.